Our Audit Philosophy
Our proprietary “AS” system enables us to concentrate on areas that hold greater importance to client’s business and reduce the time spent on audit significantly.
Auditing is a highly complex process, and the importance of auditors as a vital link in the financial reporting chain and their role as trusted advisors has increased manifold in the present era. The Audit professionals at A&B firm provide a range of Audit and Advisory Services to assist clients in achieving their business objectives, managing their risk and improving their business performance-anywhere in the world. Using our state-of-the-art tools enables A&B firm audit professionals to deliver the assurance service quality and excellence that is implicit in A&B and that what the financial community and public expect.
We have robust audit tools, resources and procedures to provide the means for our professionals to deliver high-quality audit services. In delivering these services we adhere to the highest standards of independence, professional objectivity and technical excellence. Our international & local audit approach is applied consistently, while providing the flexibility to serve the unique circumstances and complexities of our clients. Our audit approach focuses on understanding the clients’ global business and control issues from the inside out. It combines a rigorous risk assessment, diagnostic processes, audit testing procedures as well as a continuous assessment of our clients’ service performance.

Audit System
A&B has always been on the forefront of technology innovation. our seamless integration is further heightened using a common audit software platform, Audit System, which enables sharing of information electronically and ensures consistency in our approach and methodology.
“AS” System technology provides us the capability to easily export and transmit all relevant documents to other members of firms/offices, if required. We believe that our Audit System is a state-of-the-art technology that significantly contributes to an efficient audit process and will minimize disruption.
Quality Control System
We have a very strong quality assurance system in place, the policies adopted in this respect include involvement of an additional partner as an Advisory Partner in every major of audit, dedicated team for specified sector, specialized training courses, engagement quality assurance review programs and a formalized consultative framework. We bring to every aspect of our services the highest levels of commitment, professionalism, energy, and enthusiasm.
We have the distinction of being auditors of the large number of listed companies in Egypt, including the largest companies in the country, the largest listed companies in terms of market capitalization, and several other reputable entities including public sector entities.

We have multi–service standards we use to monitor and evaluate the quality of service provided.
To ensure that we do not incur unacceptable risks, we have rigorous client acceptance and continuance procedures, which require review by a special quality–control group in our firm.
Our extensive curriculum covers ethics, independence, core and advanced technical matters, and a variety of business advisory and management programs.
To ensure that we do not incur unacceptable risks, we have rigorous client acceptance and continuance procedures, which require review by a special quality–control group in our firm.
To help maintain a high level of consistency, partners and senior managers periodically review the quality control standards and audit work.